10 Easy Steps | How to Wash the Purple Mattress Cover

How to Wash the Purple Mattress Cover | 10 Proven Steps

Purple mattress covers can be a challenge to clean – especially if you don’t have the right tools. In this article, we’ll show you how to wash a purple mattress cover using the right methods and ingredients.

Every once in a while, we come up with a design that is so eye-catching and refreshing that it deserves to be on display. When this happens, the first thing most people do is run out and buy a purple mattress cover, but then the real challenge begins: how to clean it. The article reads through some of the common ways of cleaning a purple mattress cover, and with the proper tricks, you should be able to get your purple back in no time!

Is the purple mattress cover washable?

If the purple mattress cover is stained, the best approach may be to machine wash it on a delicate cycle using a mild detergent. If the purple mattress cover is severely soiled, it may need to be professionally cleaned.

How do you get the urine smell out of purple mattresses?

If you have a purple mattress, there is a good chance that it will eventually start to smell like urine. This is because urine can and will stain mattresses. There are a few things that you can do to get the urine smell out of a purple mattress:

How do you get the urine smell out of purple mattresses?

-First, make sure that the mattress is properly aired out. airing out a mattress will help to remove any smells that may be present.

-Then, you can try using a natural cleaner on the mattress. Some people swear by using apple cider vinegar or lemon juice as cleaners for mattresses. Just be sure to test the cleaner on a small part of the mattress first to make sure that it does not cause any damage.

-Finally, if all else fails, you can hire an expert to come and clean the mattress. This may cost more than trying to do it yourself, but it may be worth it if the smell is really bad.

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Can you take the cover off a Purple mattress and wash it?

Purple is one of the most popular bedding colors in the world. It can be hard to find a mattress cover in any other color besides purple, but it is possible! To wash a purple mattress cover, first, make sure to remove the insert and cover. Wash the cover separately in cold water with mild detergent. Do not use fabric softener or bleach as they will damage the cover. Hang to dry.

Note: Purple is not a color that can be machine washed and therefore it is important to avoid excessive water or laundering.

Preheat the water and spray the cover with it

– Lay the cover on a dry surface and press down firmly
– Use a flat object like a ruler to start at one corner and inchworm your way around the cover
– Use a clean, wet cloth to wipe down the cover
– Repeat steps 2-5 until the cloth is fully saturated and the cover is clean

Tips on How to Wash a Mattress Cover

If you want to keep your mattress clean and free from allergens, you will need to wash the cover on a regular basis. Follow these simple steps to get your purple mattress looking and smelling fresh:

1. Gather Your Mattress Cleaning Supplies

If you own a purple mattress, it’s time to get ready for some extra cleaning. Purple is one of the most difficult colors to keep clean, and it’s not just the surface that needs attention: beneath the fabric, purple mattresses are often filled with dust and lint. Here are six tips on how to keep your purple mattress looking its best:

1. Start by removing any excess bedding. This includes sheets, blankets, and even duvet covers. If there’s anything on the mattress that can’t be removed easily, such as pet hair or fluff, vacuum it first.

2. Clear away any debris with a vacuum cleaner. Be sure to use a special cleaner designed specifically for mattresses, and avoid using harsh chemicals or brushes.

3. Wipe down the surface with a cloth dampened in water or a mild detergent solution. Be sure to work from top to bottom and left to right to avoid wrinkles or creases in the fabric.

4. Rinse off the cloth and dry the mattress thoroughly before replacing any of the bedding. If necessary, repeat steps 2-4 until all of the dirt and debris is gone.

5. Apply a fresh layer of bedding, and make sure to cover the entire mattress. Don’t forget the edges!

6. vacuum the bed one last time to remove any leftover debris.

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2. Remove the cover completely and place it in the hot water

Machine wash on the gentle cycle with a mild detergent
Do not use fabric softener
Do not wring or twist the cover
Line dry

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How do you get pee out of a purple mattress?

If your purple mattress cover has become wet and you can’t get the pee out, there are a few things you can try. You can place the mattress in the sun to dry, which may work if the pee is on the surface. You can also pour a pot of boiling water onto the mattress and let it sit for a few minutes; this may help loosen any dried urine. If all else fails, you can hire a professional dry cleaner to remove any stains.

Be sure to dry the mattress cover and mattress thoroughly before storing them away.

3. Rinse the cover in cold water

– using a washcloth, scrub the surface of the cover until the water is clear
– Hang to dry or machine wash on delicate
– Tumble dry low or air dry

Purple mattress covers can get pretty grimy. Like most people, you probably don’t want to take the time to wash it by hand. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to get the cover clean without having to go through all that work.

First, rinse the cover in cold water using a washcloth. Make sure to scrub the surface until the water is clear. If you want to get particularly thorough, you can hang the cover to dry or machine wash it on delicate.

After you’ve cleaned it, it’s important to take care when putting it back on the bed. Don’t over-stretch or abuse the cover, and make sure to evenly distribute the weight of the mattress so it doesn’t stretch or tear.

4. Hang the cover to dry

There are a few ways to hang the cover to dry:

-On a wire hanger: Make a loop with one end of the wire hanger and insert it through the slits on the cover. Hold on to the other end of the wire hanger and hang the cover-up.

-On a clothesline: Tie a knot in one end of the cover’s string and tie it to a tree or post. Make another loop with the string and put it around your neck. Hold on to the ends of the string and wait for the cover to dry.

-In front of a fan: Place the open cover face down on some newspapers or magazines to air-dry.

-In the sun: Place the cover face down on a sunny surface to dry.

5. Strip the Bed and Wash all Bedding

Purple Mattress Cover
Strip the bed and wash all bedding together in hot water with mild detergent. Fabric softener may also be used if desired. Hang to dry.

Black Mattress Cover
Strip the bed and wash all bedding together in hot water with mild detergent. Fabric softener may also be used if desired. Hang to dry.

Gray Mattress Cover
Strip the bed and wash all bedding together in hot water with mild detergent. Fabric softener may also be used if desired. Hang to dry.

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6. Vacuum Your Mattress

If you have a purple mattress cover, it’s time to clean it! Mattress covers are made of different materials, so there is no one way to do this. However, here are some tips to help you vacuum your mattress cover:

– Cover the entire mattress with a sheet before starting. This will prevent any accidents and make the process easier.

-Attach the vacuum cleaner tube to the end of the hose and turn on the vacuum cleaner. Make sure that the suction is high enough to remove all of the dust and debris from the cover.

-Remove the cover from the mattress and place it on a flat surface. Be sure to keep an eye on it while it is being vacuumed as some dust may fly up.

-Once all of the dust and debris have been removed, wash the cover in a machine that is designed for washing bedding items. If possible, line dries it before putting it back on your mattress.

7. Spot Clean Your Mattress with Stain Remover

If your mattress cover is stained, there are a few simple steps you can take to get it clean. First, use white vinegar and water solution to remove any food or grease stains. Second, use a stain remover designed specifically for fabric surfaces like bedding. Finally, dry the mattress cover with a towel.

If the stain is particularly stubborn, you can try using a professional stain removal service.

Tips for Removing Stains

Washing a mattress cover can be tricky, but it’s definitely worth it to keep your furniture looking and smelling fresh. Here are four tips for removing stains from purple mattress covers:

-Use cold water: If the stain is on the fabric of the cover, try soaking it in cold water for a few minutes before scrubbing. This will help break down the dye and make the stain easier to remove.

-Use a bleach solution: If the stain is on the fabric of the cover, try using a bleach solution to get rid of it. Make sure to test a small area first to see if bleach is safe for the fabric. Add 1 cup of bleach to 3 gallons of water and stir well. Pour this solution over the stained area and let it sit for 15 minutes before scrubbing it with a cloth. Be careful not to use too much bleach, as it can damage your cover.

-Mix vinegar and baking soda: If the stain is on the padding or stuffing inside the mattress cover, mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1 cup of baking soda and spritz it onto the stain. Let it sit for 30 minutes before scrubbing it with a cloth. Be careful not to get vinegar on the mattress itself.

-Use a vacuum cleaner and Hoover: If the stain is on the surface of the cover, try using a vacuum cleaner and Hoover to get rid of it. Start by vacuuming up as much of the loose dirt and dust as possible. Then use the Hoover to scrub the surface clean.

8. Sprinkle Baking Soda Over the Entire Mattress

If you have a purple mattress cover, you know how difficult it can be to keep it looking new. Fortunately, there is a simple solution: sprinkling baking soda over the entire cover. This will neutralize any odor and make the cover easier to clean.

Most mattress buyers overlook this important step, but it’s essential. Wash your mattress regularly with a mild detergent and cold water to remove any build-up of sweat, dust mites, or bacteria. You can also use a vacuum cleaner on low to remove any dirt or hair.

9. Air Out the Mattress

If your mattress is covered in purple fabric, it’s time to air it out. Washing the cover on a regular cycle with laundry detergent will help remove any built-up dirt, dust, and allergens. Be sure to rinse it well before placing it back on the bed.

If you notice any insects or spiders on or around your mattress, it’s time to take action. A pest control professional can help identify the problem and recommend a treatment. If the issue is minor, you can treat it yourself using a variety of insecticides and sprays. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before using them.

10. Flip the Mattress

To clean a purple mattress cover, start by removing the cover and folding it in half. Next, fill a sink with lukewarm water and add a mild soap. Soak the cover for about 5 minutes, then rinse it with cool water. Hang it to dry.

To clean the mattress itself, start by flipping it over. Remove any visible stains with a damp cloth, then pour a pot of cold water onto the mattress and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Soak the bedding for about 10 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. Hang it to dry.

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Can I Wash My Purple Mattress Cover?

Yes, you can wash your purple mattress cover. Take care of it the same way as any other bedding item – use a mild detergent and cold water. Hang to dry or place in the dryer on low heat.

Can I Put My Purple Mattress Cover On The Bed?

Yes, you can put your purple mattress cover on the bed. However, we recommend taking care to line the body up perfectly before placing it on the bed. This will ensure a snug fit and prevent any potential wrinkles or creases.

What Happens if You Wash Purple Mattress Cover?

The purple mattress cover is delicate and needs to be handled with care. If it is accidentally washed with a harsh detergent, the cover will wear away quickly and the padding underneath will be exposed. To clean the purple mattress cover, first, make sure that the cover is dry. Then, pour a small amount of mild laundry detergent into your hand and rub it over the cover. Be sure to get into all the crevices. Finally, rinse the cover in cool water and hang it to dry.

If you experience any problems with the purple mattress cover, be sure to take it to a professional dry cleaner.

Can You Remove the Purple Mattress Cover?

Purple mattress covers can be a little difficult to remove. Follow these steps to get the cover off your mattress:
1. Use a damp cloth to clean the cover and the mattress.
2. Gently push down on one corner of the cover and pull it off.
3. If there are any stubborn creases or wrinkles, use a steamer to heat up the cover and then use a seam ripper to remove them.

4. Finally, place the cover in a dryer on low heat for 10 minutes to remove any residual moisture.

What can I spray on my mattress to clean it?

Many people are not familiar with the process of cleaning a mattress. In order to clean it, you will need to first identify the area that needs to be cleaned. Next, you will need to wet the area and then add the appropriate cleaner. Finally, you will need to agitate the cleaner and scrub until the area is clean.

Some people recommend using a vinegar and water mixture to clean a mattress. Others recommend using a mild soap like Dawn or washing soda.

Can you put a mattress cover in the washing machine?

Yes, you can put a mattress cover in the washing machine. Just be sure to follow the washing machine’s instructions.

How do you clean a purple mattress zipper cover?

If you have a purple mattress zipper cover, it’s important to take care of it in the same manner as any other piece of clothing- by washing it in cold water with a mild detergent and drying it off.

If the zipper cover is stained, you can try using a bleach and water solution or a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to remove the stains.

Do Purple mattresses get bed bugs?

Purple mattresses may not be as immune to bed bugs as some other colors, but they are still a good option for people who are concerned about bug infestation. There are several ways to wash a purple mattress cover, and the most important thing is to make sure that you get rid of all the bugs and their eggs before putting the mattress back on the bed.

There is no definitive answer as to whether purple mattresses are more likely to be infested with bed bugs, but it is something to keep in mind if you are particularly concerned about the issue.

How do you get the pee smell out of a mattress without vinegar?

If you’ve been unfortunate enough to get the pee smell out of a mattress, there are a few different ways you can go about trying to get rid of it. Some people recommend using vinegar, others hydrogen peroxide, and still, others baking soda. Here’s a guide on how to try each one out and see which works the best for you.

To try using vinegar, soak the mattress in a bowl of vinegar for a few hours. Be sure to cover the mattress with a cloth so you don’t add any extra water to the mix and let it sit until the smell is gone.

If hydrogen peroxide is what you’re looking for, you can use it by spraying it on the area where the smell is strongest and then letting it sit for a few minutes before rinsing off.

To try using baking soda, mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 3 cups of water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture over the area where the smell is strongest and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing off.


Purple mattress covers can be hard to care for, but with a little bit of planning and effort, it can be easy to keep them looking fresh. Here are a few tips on how to wash a purple mattress cover:
-Start by wetting the cover in warm water.
-Add a mild detergent and swish around the cover until the detergent is fully absorbed.
-Rinse the cover thoroughly under running water.
-Dry off the cover completely before putting it back on your bed.

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